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The child was born “pregnant” with twins

A very rare medical case reported by the Hong Kong Journal (and fortunately successfully resolved…).
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The incredible story was reported and analyzed by the Hong Kong Medical Journal, based on data examined at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong: a child is born with a very rare anomaly known as "fetus in fetu", of which only about 200 total cases are known (the possibility of it happening is about one in 500,000) and the cause of which is still a mystery. The newborn, a baby born to Chinese parents, carried a pair of twins in her womb. The fetuses' development had reached the eighth week and both already presented legs, arms and some internal organs. The two fetuses weighed 14 and 9 grams and were linked by an umbilical cord to the baby.

Sugery was necessary for the newborn to overcome a complicated phase. Moreover, as explained by a doctor to the British tabloid Metro: "It would have been virtually impossible to detect it in a prenatal check-up, since the two fetuses were too small to be seen. Obviously the fertilization belongs to the parents and may also depend on the mother's clinical history which includes a series of miscarriages."

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